kjolt947's good corner!

About This Place

I am a video game player who creates multimedia stuff on the internet. I dabble in all sorts of things; pixel art, Minecraft modding, music, and reviewing stuff. This place serves as a hub for all that and more. It's very much under construction, but I'll add to it when I can.


Here's where you can check out all sorts of things I've worked on.

Reviews & Thoughts

My opinions on all sorts of things.

External Links

You can find the Minecraft mods I've contributed to on my Curseforge page. My SoundCloud, Bandcamp and YouTube are where I hoard most of my finished songs. The latter of which also contains some other junk. Twitter includes inconsistent updates on my projects and the inane ramblings of a maniac.

Here's some links to my friend's sites as well. Have a gander: